- The University of Wisconsin-Madison is a state-supported university. Why does it need my help?
Because state funding currently provides only the means for a basic education, private funding supplements state and federal dollars and supports many special programs and projects not possible through conventional funding sources. Examples of these are professorships, fellowships and scholarships in all academic disciplines, research efforts and building projects.
- What are the tax benefits of making a gift to the University of Wisconsin-Madison?
Cash gifts are tax deductible. As such, the true cost of your gift is reduced by any realized tax savings. A gift of securities allows you to make a gift to the UW Foundation and receive a charitable deduction equal to the full fair market value of the securities. You pay no capital gains tax on your gift nor does the Foundation if the securities are sold. In addition to the assistance the Foundation can provide, we recommend that you consult with an attorney or accountant for the legal and tax implications of any gift you make to charity.
- What are the different ways in which I can make a gift to the UW-Madison?
The Foundation offers a variety of gift options you may wish to explore. Careful planning can maximize the positive effects of outright contributions such as cash, appreciated securities, life insurance policies, real estate and gifts of personal property, as well as deferred gifts such as bequests, testamentary trusts and life income trusts.
- My life was changed by a class I took at the UW. How do I make a gift to this department to show my gratitude?
Many people show their appreciation for a favorite professor or for the life-changing experiences they realized during their years at the UW by supporting a specific department or area of the University. A member of the development staff is available to talk with you about how and where you would like to designate your gift.
If you have a specific area of interest, please go to the staff directory to send an email development director in the area in which you are interested. You may also call the Foundation directly at 608-263-4545 and your call will be forwarded to the appropriate development director.
- How do I specify where I want my gift to go?
A donor may specify the gift designation by writing a letter stating the intent, by creating a Memorandum of Agreement, or by simply writing where the gift should go in the memo portion of the check or the instruction box in the online giving form.
- What is the difference between a designated gift and an unrestricted gift?
A designated gift is used for the purpose the donor states when making the gift. A non-designated gift is put in a general fund and is used for the greatest need of the University as determined by the Chancellor.
- How does the matching gift program work?
Many companies offer a matching-gift program to their employees or, in some cases, family members of employees and/or retirees. By matching your gift to the University of Wisconsin Foundation — a 501 (c)(3) organization — which provides direct support to UW–Madison through an employer matching-gift program, you can leverage by at least doubling your donation. Please check with your Human Resources Department or search to see if your employer has a matching-gift program.
- How should I make out a check I’d like to send to the Foundation and where should I send it?
Checks should be made out to the University of Wisconsin Foundation and sent to:
University of Wisconsin Foundation
U.S. Bank Lockbox
Box 78807
Milwaukee WI 53278-0807