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Website Search Results

Wisconsin School of Business Fund

The Wisconsin School of Business Fund provides flexible, unrestricted resources that can be used immediately, giving the School the ability to respond quickly to market changes and emerging opportunities.

Transportation, WEMPEC and driving safety

The College of Engineering drives improvements in many areas of transportation, including safety, automobile performance, and environmental impact, among many others. Here are a few recent developments.

Get to Know the Badger Engagement Center

Support UW–Madison Every gift provides critical resources for hands-on learning, research, student support services, and more. Make a Gift What do student engagement specialists do? How do they help UW alumni and friends who want to pay it forward to our community? Hear from four students as they share their experiences and what they love… Read more »

Spring Game Supports Nursing

Buy a football ticket. Support nursing. That’s the winning strategy for the Badger football team’s spring game. The $5 ticket price for the April 23 game at Camp Randall Stadium will benefit the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing’s new learning center.

Rocking the Rankings

Madison, Wisconsin, consistently shows up on rankings of the best places to live.