This year, donors’ gifts to the University of Wisconsin helped the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences award more than $1 million in support to about 800 undergraduate, graduate and short-course students. On November 6, about 130 scholarship recipients and donors gathered to share their stories.
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Lessons in Leadership: Learn, Understand, Value
As a professor and chair of the Department of Comparative Biosciences in the School of Veterinary Medicine, Gordon Mitchell sees the benefits of animal research firsthand- including benefits that save human lives.
Rebecca Skowronski
Rebecca “Becca” Skowronski, a senior in the School of Pharmacy, was attracted to the field when she job shadowed a local pharmacist during high school. Her career goals became more specific — to work in intensive care or oncology — after her mother was diagnosed with cancer. While her mother underwent a second round of… Read more »
Healing the Brain Through the Tongue
First, there was the voice, a full, rich bass, the kind of voice that makes audiences swoon within a few measures and can fill a 3,000-seat theater with no microphone. Robert Goulet grew famous with that kind of voice, but Goulet never lost his magnificent sound. Broadway singer Ron Husmann – his star traveling with… Read more »
Lending a Hand to Low-Income Workers
Wisconsin Business Development has funded initiatives in the Center on Business and Poverty to help low-income employees.