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Diversity & Inclusion

Along with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association is committed to building an inclusive community free of social bias and exclusion. To learn more about our organization, please visit

Ben Davis- Invaluable to my Growth

The scholarships I have received from the School of Music and the Raymond F. Dvorak Scholarship have been very important for my family. The financial assistance provided through these scholarships really have been of much use in reducing the net cost of my schooling and that has allowed me to be able to continue experiencing all of these great things that I have been able to do up here at UW, so I am extremely thankful!

Alan Chen

Huafu Chen did not speak his first word of English until second grade. The word was teacher. Huafu — or Alan to pretty much everyone — Chen also did not meet his father until he was in second grade. Determined to build a better life, his father, Ai He, immigrated to the United States from… Read more »

Wisconsin Singers

The Wisconsin Singers was named Official Ambassador of Goodwill for the UW in 1967 and charged to represent the Wisconsin Experience through music outreach. The Singers program has served the statewide community by providing professional entertainment, free workshops for local students, and an opportunity to bring service organizations, area school children, and communities together to… Read more »