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Gift Annuities a Sound Vehicle for this Engineer

G.R. “Duke” Williams is a hands-on kind of guy, but he finds that it makes sense for the University of Wisconsin Foundation to handle an increasing percentage of his portfolio through gift annuities.

Boeing Support Boosts Students, National Science Olympiad

For the past 25 years, corporate philanthropy from The Boeing Company has benefitted UW-Madison. This generous history continued in 2011, with a grant for $5,000 for undergraduate Boeing Scholarships in the College of Engineering and $5,000 to support the National Science Olympiad hosted by the University in 2011.

Great People Scholarship Helps Students Reach Dreams

Rick Issod died during his sophomore year of college and was never able to achieve his dreams. But his parents are helping other UW-Madison students reach their goals through the Richard Scott Issod Great People Scholarship

Henderson, Harrigan Named Champion Award Winners

Douglass Henderson, professor of Engineering Physics, and Margaret Harrigan, a senior policy and planning analyst in the Office of Academic Planning & Analysis, are the winners of the Women’s Philanthropy Council’s 2011 Champion Awards.