Research and Programs Award Profile College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Congratulations on receiving funding to support your research or program. Your funding was made possible by private support. These donors have chosen to invest in the future by helping support research and programs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It is important to let these donors, many of whom are UW-Madison alumni, know that we are grateful for their generosity. We do this by informing them of how we are managing the money they’ve entrusted to us. Another, more personal way to say thank you is to provide donors with information about your research or program and how their gift is being used. Each year, the Foundation prepares an individual financial report for donors on their endowed funds. To complement this report, we ask that you complete this brief questionnaire. This profile should not replace a personal note of thanks. Instead, it provides us with additional information about the impact of their gift. You responses are confidential and are shared only with the donor. If you have any questions, please contact Brooke Mulvaney. Thank you. Please complete the form below. If you have any questions, please contact Kate Bahr.Name* First Last HometownCity, State (and Country if not U.S.)Preferred Email Address* Department / Program*Name of Award:Year of Award:2019-2020What brought you to the University of Wisconsin-Madison?*What is your field of study?*Briefly describe your research / program. Feel free to include a publication, dissertation, presentation, etc. below.Optional PDF AttachmentAccepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.What makes your research/program unique?What do you see for the future of this research? How do you see this impacting future generations?*What interests do you have outside of the lab/classroom?In one paragraph or less, describe the impact philanthropy has had on your research / program.*What additional thoughts or comments would you like to share with your donor?Have you sent a personal thank you to the donor(s)?* Yes No Can we use your responses for promotional purposes?* Yes No Yes, but please contact me before using.